PowerShell WMI – Get Disk Information

Hi guys, Here is a small function I wrote to gather basic informations arround the Hard Drive linked to the targeted computer. Function Get-DiskInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Describe purpose of “Get-DiskInfo” in 1-2 sentences. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name or IP of targeted computer. .PARAMETER OSVersion The OS Version of Target Computer. .NOTES Author: Thomas […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying Operating System product informations

Hi guys, Here is a small function I wrote to gather basic informations arround the Operating System product. [ps]Function Get-ComputerSystemProductInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Query WMI of the system to provide basic information of the Operating System product. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name or IP of targeted computer. .NOTES Author: Thomas Prud’homme (Twitter: @prudhommewtf). .LINK https://blog.prudhomme.wtf/powershell-querying-operating-system-product-informations […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying CD ROM informations

Hi guys, Here is a small function I wrote to gather the CD ROM drive basic informations. [ps]Function Get-CDROMInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Query WMI of the system to provide basic CDROM information. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name or IP of targeted computer. .NOTES Author: Thomas Prud’homme (Twitter: @prudhommewtf). .LINK https://blog.prudhomme.wtf/powershell-wmi-querying-cdrom-informations #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$ComputerName = […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying System Informations

Hi Guys, Here is a small function I wrote to gather the System basic informations. [ps]Function Get-SystemInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Query WMI of the system to provide basic system information. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name or IP of targeted computer. .NOTES Author: Thomas Prud’homme (Twitter: @prudhommewtf). .LINK https://blog.prudhomme.wtf/powershell-wmi-querying-system-informations #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME ) […]

PowerShell WMI – Matching Function – OSLanguage codes

Hi guys, When you are querying WMI objects to find Operating System information you while face the OS Language codes. Those interger match with supported installation languages for Operating System. The list of interger and matching value is available on a MSDN Web page. I then write a PowerShell function to make the matching of […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying Operating System informations

Hi Guys, Here is a small function I wrote to gather the Operating System basic informations. [ps]Function Get-OSInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Query WMI of the computer to provide basic OS Information. .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name or IP of targeted computer. .NOTES Author: Thomas Prud’homme (Twitter: @prudhommewtf). .LINK https://blog.prudhomme.wtf/powershell-wmi-querying-operating-system-informations #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME […]

PowerShell WMI – Matching Function – BIOS Characteristics

Hi Guys, When you are querying WMI objects to find BIOS informations you will face the BIOS Characteristics codes. Those interger match with supported features or enabled features. The list of interger and matching value is available on a MSDN Web page. I then write a PowerShell function to make the matching of the digits […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying BIOS informations

Hi Guys, I will start a small blog post serie with PowerShell functions I wrote that query WMI of remote computer. Here is the first function: [ps]Function Get-BIOSInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Describe purpose of "Get-BIOSInfo" in 1-2 sentences. .DESCRIPTION Add a more complete description of what the function does. .PARAMETER ComputerName Describe parameter -ComputerName. .EXAMPLE […]

Run a FIM 2010 R2 specific Management Agent with PowerShell

Hello, Here is a cmdlet I to start a selected Management Agent with a specific Run Profil. (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $FIMSyncServer -NameSpace ‘root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer’ -Class ‘MIIS_ManagementAgent’ | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ManagementAgent }).Execute($RunProfile)

List FIM 2010 R2 Management Agents with PowerShell

Hello, Here is the cmdlet to list FIM Sync Management Agents. Get-WmiObject -ComputerName ‘FIMSyncServer’ -NameSpace ‘root/MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer’ -Class ‘MIIS_ManagementAgent’