PowerShell – Mapping function for Office 365 ServicePlans to ServicePlansId

Hi guys, If you are starting to work with the new Office 365 PowerShell module to manage users you might have found a disturbing change in the license affectation process. The DisabledPlans option, it is no more using the ServicePlan name but the ServicePlanId Guid. From an administrator point of view, this change is a […]

PowerShell WMI – Matching Function – BIOS Characteristics

Hi Guys, When you are querying WMI objects to find BIOS informations you will face the BIOS Characteristics codes. Those interger match with supported features or enabled features. The list of interger and matching value is available on a MSDN Web page. I then write a PowerShell function to make the matching of the digits […]

PowerShell WMI – Querying BIOS informations

Hi Guys, I will start a small blog post serie with PowerShell functions I wrote that query WMI of remote computer. Here is the first function: [ps]Function Get-BIOSInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Describe purpose of "Get-BIOSInfo" in 1-2 sentences. .DESCRIPTION Add a more complete description of what the function does. .PARAMETER ComputerName Describe parameter -ComputerName. .EXAMPLE […]

PowerShell Function – Test Server TCP Ports

Hi Guys, Here is a PowerShell Function I wrote couple of years ago. The purpose of this PowerShell function was to test if the given TCP ports where opened or not on specified computers. We needed this kind of function to keep tracks of customer network teams work, which was taking to long to open […]