Exchange Online migration – Unable to update Active Directory information for the source mailbox at the end of the move.

Hi guys, During an Exchange On-Premises migration to Exchange Online you may encounter an error sayig: Error: MigrationMRSPermanentException: Warning: Unable to update Active Directory information for the source mailbox at the end of the move. Error details: An error occurred while updating a user object after the move operation. –> The type initializer for ???’Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskLogger???’ […]

How to get the Krbtgt last password set value using powershell

Hello, For a script purpose I needed to have the date of the last password set of the Krbtgt account. To do so I wrote this PowerShell function: [ps] Function Get-ADKrbtgtPwdLastSet{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage=’Name of the domain.’, Position=0)] [ValidateScript({Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 2 -Quiet})] [String]$DomainName = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Name ) Begin{ } Process{ $RodcKrbtgtSearcher […]

FIM 2010 R2 Self-Service Password Reset : Permissions minimum pour le compte de service

As you may know the best practices regarding Active Directory account permissions is to set them with the least required. In order to??set the minimum permissions required to enable password reset with FIM SSPR you??will have to set the permission as following in you Active Directory. Open Active Directory Users and Computers with advanced features. […]

Erreur de droits sur EXPLORER.EXE apr??s migration WORKGROUP TO DOMAIN

Bonjour ?? tous, Petit retour d’exp??rience sur un probl??me que j’ai rencontr?? il y a quelques semaines, sur une mission de migration WORKGROUP TO DOMAIN. Le parc du client se composait d’un serveur 2008 R2, d’une trentaine de postes d??j?? sur le domaine et d’une dizaine postes WIN XP ou WIN 7 d’une soci??t?? rachet?? que […]